Data Conventions and Templates

General location, date and time

Proposed data formats

The following formats are proposed for Project data deliverables

Data Type Description Example
Pond identification and station codes All references to Project ponds in datasets (e.g. as sampling station codes, portions of station codes, in descriptive metadata) must use the standard pond identification codes as exhibited in the latest Detailed Project Map. Regardless of its use within station codes, etc., the 2- or 3-digit pond code should also be provided in a separate field, for all observations made within Project pond boundaries. This provides a valuable common geographic grouping variable spanning all data types in all monitoring efforts. Pond 2A
Point locations All latitude-longitude values should use the WGS84 datum (the standard for Global Positioning System devices) and be expressed in decimal degrees to at least 7 (latitiude) or 8 (longitude) significant figures. The datum used must be documented (see Metadata requirements). Latitude:

GIS data GIS data should use the WGS84/NAD83 horizontal datum, NAVD88 vertical datum, and UTM Zone 10 projection and coordinate system whenever possible. In any case, the standards used must be documented (see Metadata requirements). Either shapefiles or geodatabases are acceptable.
Date Date: dd/Mmm/yyyy (Leading zero on day; three-letter abbreviated month with initial cap) 23/Feb/2010
Time Time: hh:mm, 24-hour-format local daylight time 14:24